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CKMath Unit 2: Addition and Subtraction Story Problems

In this unit, students learn to solve new types of addition and subtraction story problems and relate the quantities in the stories to equations.

Students encounter most of the problem types introduced in grade 1: Add to/Take From, Change Unknown, Put Together/Take Apart, Unknowns in All Positions, and Compare, Difference Unknown. The numbers are kept within 10 so students can focus on interpreting each problem and the relationship between counting and addition and subtraction. This also allows students to continue developing fluency with addition and subtraction within 10.

As they solve problems, students analyze and write equations and consider the meaning of the equal sign. Developing an understanding of the equal sign is particularly important in solving missing-addend problems.

Number of Lessons: 21 and 1 optional

Instruction Time:
Approximately 60 minutes
Please note that each lesson is designed for one instructional block, and may be divided into shorter or longer segments based on teacher pacing and student needs.

Additional Search Terms:
equation • equal • symbol • comparison • data • fewer • same • story problems

Mathematics Grade 1 English

Individual Resources

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CKMath Unit 2: Addition and Subtraction Story Problems STUDENT WORKBOOK

CKMath Workbooks contain the Student Task Statements, which are the activities for each lesson, and the Cumulative Practice Problems that allow students to build conceptual understanding and apply their knowledge and skills through distributed practice.

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CKMath Unit 2: Addition and Subtraction Story Problems TEACHER GUIDE

CKMath Teacher Guides include comprehensive lesson plans, assessments and answer keys for the unit, and teacher resources, including blackline masters, family take-home letters, and more.