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CKLA Ancillary Materials: Third Grade Skills

The following ancillary components are used to support instruction in all units (except as noted) throughout the Skills strand:

Teacher components

  • Consonant Code Flip Book (Unit 1)
  • Vowel Code Flip Book (Unit 1)
  • Spelling Cards (Unit 1)
  • Wiggle Cards
  • Assessment and Remediation Guide
  • Fluency Packet

Student components

  • Individual Code Charts
Language Arts Grade 3 English

Individual Resources

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CKLA Ancillary Materials: Third Grade Skills ASSESSMENT AND REMEDIATION GUIDE

The Assessment and Remediation Guide provides for re-teaching and reinforcement of grade-level objectives that were not mastered in Skill Strand lessons. This online-only resource assists teachers with determining students’ needs, selecting activities and materials that target those needs, adjusting instructional difficulty, and monitoring progress. Use of this resource creates continuity between core classroom and support instruction.

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CKLA Ancillary Materials: Third Grade Skills SPELLING CARDS

Spelling Cards are used in conjunction with the Consonant and Vowel Flip Books to record student progress. Teachers affix the spelling to the corresponding chart when a new sound-spelling is introduced.

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CKLA Ancillary Materials: Third Grade Skills INDIVIDUAL CODE CHART

Students use the Individual Code Chart to record the sound-spelling correspondences they have learned. They are encouraged to refer to the Individual Code Chart when reading and writing independently.

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CKLA Ancillary Materials: Third Grade Skills FLUENCY PACKET

The grade 3 Fluency Packet provides opportunities for students to practice reading with fluency and expression. The packet contains poems, folklore, and fables.

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CKLA Ancillary Materials: Third Grade Skills CONSONANT FLIP BOOK

The Consonant Code Flip Book is used to introduce or review consonant sound-spelling correspondences. It can also be utilized at any time to support individuals or groups in need of targeted remediation and practice.

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CKLA Ancillary Materials: Third Grade Skills VOWEL FLIP BOOK

The Vowel Code Flip Book is used to introduce or review vowel sound-spelling correspondences. It can also be utilized at any time to support individuals or groups in need of targeted remediation and practice.