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Students and teachers at Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy have something to celebrate. For this public school in Alexandria, Virginia—also a Core Knowledge School of Distinction—the latest State Report Card results put the school ahead of all other elementary schools in its district and overall ahead of the state as well.

The Report Card provides test score data at three levels: state, district (school-division), and school. On the 2015-2016 Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) tests, 95% of Lyles-Crouch students passed in Reading, compared to 73% in the district and 80% across the state. In Mathematics, 92% of Lyles-Crouch students passed, compared to 68% in the district and 80% across the state. The “passing” percentage includes students who scored at the Proficient or Advanced levels on the SOL tests. (For results by grade level, see Tables 1 and 2.)

2015-2016 VA SOL: District, State, School Comparison (All Students)

Lyles-Crouch Graph Data

From 2014-2015 to 2015-2016, the passing percentage for Lyles-Crouch students overall is up six percentage points in both Reading and Mathematics. (See Table 3.) Lyles-Crouch students also outperformed both the district and state in the SOL tests of History and Science, administered in grade 5. (See Table 4.)

Lyles-Crouch Elementary currently enrolls 438 students, with 26% eligible for free or reduced-price lunch, 10% receiving Special Education services, and 10% English Language Learners. One hundred percent of Lyles-Crouch students participated in the 2015-2016 SOL testing. Dr. Patricia Zissios, principal of Lyles-Crouch, reports that “we saw the largest gains with the Special Education students in Language Arts—from 53% [passing] in 2014-2015 to 81% in 2015-2016. We met all of our benchmarks and are again fully accredited.”

For Economically Disadvantaged students (defined by the state as eligible for free or reduced-price lunch or Medicaid), the data show Lyles-Crouch significantly outperforming both the district and the state. The Virginia Department of Education also disaggregates performance data for three student subgroups categorized as Proficiency Gap Groups. In all three Gap Groups, Lyles-Crouch students have higher passing percentages than both the district and state in Reading and Mathematics. (See Table 5.)

Congratulations to everyone at Lyles-Crouch for the hard work and outstanding performance!